8.4.1898 Päivälehti 8.4.1898 Päivälehti ARTICLE Finland

Title 8.4.1898 Päivälehti 8.4.1898 Päivälehti
Is same as work 8.4.1898 Päivälehti
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Finland
Date 1898
Notes ['The text in the newspaper Päivälehti 8.4.1898 (?) says:"The english woman writer Charlotte Yonge celebrates her 50 years anniversary as a writer in Easter. She has published about 80 different works. Leaded by the princess of Wales, a committee has collected about 150 000 marks, and the interest of the money will be used for three study places in the university, where girls can study without a charge. The stipendiat, that justifies the studies and maintenance for three years, bears Charlotte Yonge\'s name." JWfeb16 ']

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mentions person Charlotte Mary Yonge
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