Tales of the Castle: or, stories of instruction and delight. WORK

Title Tales of the Castle: or, stories of instruction and delight.
Is same as work Tales of the Castle: or, stories of instruction and delight.
Author Thomas Holcroft
Date 1785
Notes ["Titre complet: 'Tales of the Castle: or, stories of instruction and delight. Being Les veillées du chateau, written in french by Mme la comtesse de Genlis. Author of the theatre of education, Adela and Theodore, etc. Translated into english by Thomas Holcroft.\nNote de Grieder: Les histoires du 5ème volume de la traduction de Holcroft ne se trouvent pas dans la version originale.\nRptd. Dublin, 1785 [NCBEL];\n3ème édition, 1787 [NCBEL];\n5ème édition, 1798 (New York Public Library]."]
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Les veillées du château ou Cours de morale à l'usage des enfans Stéphanie Félicité de Genlis