Herman of Unna: a series of adventures of the fifteenth century, in which the proceedings of the secret tribunal, under the Emperors Winceslaus and Sigismond, are delineated. In Three Volumes. Written In German By Professor Kramer. WORK

Title Herman of Unna: a series of adventures of the fifteenth century, in which the proceedings of the secret tribunal, under the Emperors Winceslaus and Sigismond, are delineated. In Three Volumes. Written In German By Professor Kramer.
Is same as work Herman of Unna: a series of adventures of the fifteenth century, in which the proceedings of the secret tribunal, under the Emperors Winceslaus and Sigismond, are delineated. In Three Volumes. Written In German By Professor Kramer.
Author Unknown translator (to be identified)
Date 1794
Notes ['concerning paratext:\r\n\r\n{Name of translator NOT on title page}\r\n{Preface present}\r\nv-viii Preface\r\nv\r\nThe Author of the following work [sc. Kramer cf title page] is known in Germany for the eminent situation he holds in one of their universities, and for his literary productions, particularly his celebrated piece of Alcibiades.\r\nThe present performance is generally interesting, not on ly for the merit of the story, but for the information it affords us respecting the secret tribunal, an institution which, though it could never be traced to its recesses, made monarchs tremble upon their thrones. [.../..]\r\nviii\r\nThe translator has prefixed to the wok an essay on the secret tribunal and its judges, by Baron Bock, which will probably be thought an an useful accompaniment to the majority of readers.\r\n\r\nix - xix Essay on the Secret Tribunal and its Judges, formerly existing in Westphalia, Extracted from the Second Volume of the Miscellaneous Works of Baron Bock.\r\n[...]\r\nsvdjun10chawton']
is translation of Hermann von Unna
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Hermann von Unna Christiane Benedikte Eugenie Naubert