The life of General de Zieten: Colonel of the royal Prussian regiment of Hussar-lifeguards, knight of the order of the Black Eagle, etc. WORK

Title The life of General de Zieten: Colonel of the royal Prussian regiment of Hussar-lifeguards, knight of the order of the Black Eagle, etc.
Is same as work The life of General de Zieten: Colonel of the royal Prussian regiment of Hussar-lifeguards, knight of the order of the Black Eagle, etc.
Author ~~translator male (name below)
Date 1803
Notes ['By Madame de Blumenthal, First Lady of the Bedchamber to her Royal Highness the Dowager-Princess Henry of Prussia.\n\nTranslated from the German, by the Rev. B. Beresford, P.D.\n\nBerlin: printed for the author; and sold by R. Phillips [...] London.']
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Lebensbeschreibung Hans Joachim von Zieten, königlich-Preussischen Generals der Kavallerie, Ritter des schwarzen Adlerordens .. Luise Johanne Leopoldine von Blumenthal - von Platen