Hufvudstadsbladet no72A Litteratur och konst Literature and art ARTICLE Helsinki (FIN)

Title Hufvudstadsbladet no72A Litteratur och konst Literature and art
Is same as work Hufvudstadsbladet no72A Litteratur och konst
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Helsinki (FIN)
Date 1888
Notes ['The article in Hufvudstadsbladet says: "Alcott, a well known American writer of many books for children and young people, died on Tuesday, 56 years old, her father, Bronson Alcott, a good friend of Emerson, had died one day ago, and it was on the way to father\'s death bed that the daughter got the sickness, that ended to her death. Alcott begun her writing career very young, she published her first book Flower Fables 1856. She became a nurse in the military hospital in Washington 1862 and took care of her demanding calling with a passion that surpassed her strength. She got typhus and almost dies, but finally recovered without never again getting back to her earlier strength. Because of her health she travelled to Europe. After her return, 1867, came out the first part of Little women. After that followed many shorter and longer stories from her, among which the most famous probably is An old fashioned girl (in Swedish En krona bland flickor). Also other of her stories are translated to Swedish." The same text was in Åbo underrättelser 28.3.1888, in Finland 1.4.1888, Folkwännen 3.4.1888 (the text is a little bit longer). JWfeb16']

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