Turun kaupungin kirjasto - vanha kokoelma Turku city library - old collection CATALOGUE

Title Turun kaupungin kirjasto - vanha kokoelma Turku city library - old collection
Is same as work Turun kaupungin kirjasto - vanha kokoelma
Part of work
Author Unknown reader (to be identified)
Date 1840
Notes ['A collection and list of old books and manuscripts (mostly 18th and 19th century) in Turku City Library - Old Collection\ncf. hyperlink\nJWmay16\n\n1810~ CHECK: DATE NOT POSSIBLE\nnov.2020: provisionally adapted, svd\n\n']
lists work M. och Mme de Stael. En äktenskapshistoria i bref
lists work Madame de Staël. En svensk ambassadörsgemåls triumfer och nederlag.
lists work Spiridion. Bekenntnisse eines Monchs
lists work Journal de Marie Bashkirtseff
lists work Mildred
lists work Keisarinnan Eugénie. En levnadsteckning av Clara Tschudi
lists work Minna Canthin elämäkerta
lists work Amalie Dietrich: elämäntarina
lists work Rahel Varnhagen tecknad af Ellen Key
lists work Pride and Prejudice
lists work Spiritistinen istunto
lists work Kehitys-aikana
lists work A Girton girl
lists work The sorrows of Satan, or, The strange experience of one Geoffrey Tempest, millionaire
lists work Oeuvres complètes de George Sand
lists work Mauprat
lists work Mauprat
lists work Kuuluisia naisia. Pyhä Birgitta ja Kaarina Maununtytär
lists work Märkvärdiga qvinnor. Serie 1, Utländska qvinnor.
lists work Vertu. A George Sand
lists work C. Gyllenram, Corinna, eller Italien
lists work Konungen av rom
lists work Isidora
lists work Wilhelm Wegelius. Elämänkuvaus
lists work Birgitta
lists work La botanique historique et littéraire [...] suivie d'une nouvelle [..] Les fleurs, ou les artistes
lists work Little men
lists work Nykyaikainen uranuurtaja. Elämäkerrallinen tutkielma
lists work La consolatrice
lists work Blätter aus dem Tagebuche Ihrer Majestät der Königin Victoria während des Aufenthaltes der Königlichen Familie in den Hochlanden von 1848 bis 1861 nebst Auszügen aus demselben Tagebuche über frühere Besuche in Schottland, Touren in England und Irland und Seefahrten. Autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe
lists work La joie fait peur
lists work Nietzchéenne
lists work Gräfin von Rudolstadt
lists work Uncle Tom's cabin, or Life among the lowly
lists work The flower of the family : a book for girls
lists work Les Petits artistes peintres et musiciens, contes historiques dédiés à la jeunesse, contenant Guido, Marietta Tintorella, Van Dyck, Callot, Salvator Rosa, Sébastien Gomès, J.B. Lulli, Boieldieu
lists work Corinne ou l'Italie
lists work Forget me not 1828. A Miscellany
lists work Zeph. A Posthumous Story
lists work Romola
lists work Hilda Stafford and The Remittance Man
lists work Rachel Grey
lists work Grace Lee
lists work Tales of the Uneasy
lists work The Reflections of Ambrosine
lists work Nathalie
lists work The Chief Legatee
lists work Der Geldverleiher. Vol. 1
lists work Forget-Me-Nots
lists work Villette
lists work The Leavenworth Case. A Story of Crime by Anna K. Green.
lists work Adèle
lists work Ships That Pass in the Night
lists work A noble life
lists work Le bleuet. Préface de George Sand
lists work Le Meunier d'Angibault
lists work La force du passée. Roman
lists work Omkring Carl Gustaf Tessin. I. Fru Grevinnan Ulla och Fru Grevinnan Augusta. Stockholm
lists work Blaise Pascal
lists work Vertu. A George Sand
lists work Ellénore
lists work The Swindler and the Following Stories (The Swindler' Handicap, The Nonentity, Her Hero, The Example)
lists work Catherine of Calais
lists work Temporal power. A study in supremacy
lists work Lettres [de Madame de Sévigné]
lists work Selma Lagerlöf
lists work Easy Poetry for Children. A Selection from the Best Authors
lists work Tom Dunstone's Troubles and How He Got over Them
lists work Romantic tales
lists work Three Weeks
lists work En självbiografi. Grundad på dagböcker och brev
lists work Three Tales for Boys (A Hero. - The Little Lychett's. - Cola Monti.) In One Volume.
lists work Keisarinnan Katarina II:s memoarer skrivna av henne själ
lists work A Bow of Orange Ribbon
lists work Haunted hearts
lists work La Jeunesse de la Grande Mademoiselle
lists work Millicent and Her Cousins
lists work John Dorrien. In three volumes. Vol. I, Vol II, Vol III
lists work Märkvärdiga kvinnor. Serie 2, svenska qvinnor
lists work Queen Mab
lists work Beatrice
lists work Adelaïde Ehrnrooth. Kvinnospår i finländskt kulturliv
lists work The Minister's Wooing
lists work Sweet William
lists work Laulajattaren muistelmat
lists work Selection from the poems of Mrs. Hemans and the patriotic poems of Eliza Cook
lists work Les amis de sa jeunesse et sa correspondance intime.
lists work Morfars bok. Minnen och bilder från Tegnérska tiden. Förra delen. Senare delen
lists work Lucienne
lists work Katharina den stora
lists work Ellen Key. Hennes liv och verk
lists work Totote. Roman inédit
lists work Fredrika Bremers Bild. Kalender utgiven af Sigrid Leijonhufvud och Ellen Kleman
lists work Le Marquis de Villemer
lists work Le mauvais génie
lists work The Rocks of Valprè
lists work Silas Marner
lists work The Sheik. A Novel
lists work Les Fleures parlantes. Ornées de douze vignettes par Louis Lassaille coloriées avec soin
lists work The Mill on the Floss
lists work The Man from America
lists work Svenska kvinnor från skilda verksamhetsområden. Biografisk upplagsbok
lists work Jacques
lists work Finska qvinnor. På olika arbetsområden. Biografiskt album.
lists work Das Leben Friedrich Nietzsche's
lists work Les contes de ma bonne
lists work Innocent. Her Fancy and His Fact. A Novel.
lists work Biografiskt album
lists work Denis le tyran
lists work Bettina. En livsväg kring Goethe. (Till Grevinnan Ebba Snoilsky)
lists work Svenskar från förra seklet. Biografiska studier I. Benjamin Höijer - Hans Järta
lists work Home Tales; including The Affectionate Brothers; The Sisters; The Blind Farmer and His Children.
lists work A Garden of Spinsters
lists work Love-in-a-Mist
lists work English Reader. A Collection of Tales and Poems by English and American Authors for the Use of Schools and for Private Study.
lists work Das Erstgeburtsrecht. Eine Novelle
lists work Elizabeth Visits America
lists work The World and Winstow
lists work Die Frau des Gesandten. Vol. 1-2.
lists work Man and Maid
lists work Lucie Rodey
lists work Sveriges modernaste diktare. Carl Jonas Ludvig Almqvist
lists work Lucienne
lists work Människor
lists work Dr. Johannes Scherr, Gilberte
lists work Bigarrette
lists work Mathilda Rotkirch. Finlands första målarinna
lists work Gräfin von Rudolstadt
lists work Valentine
lists work Kuuluisia naisia. Jeanne d'Arc, Maria Teresia, Vittoria Colonna, Madame de Sévigné.
lists work Ur studieboken I-II, berättelser och utkast (From the sketch pad I-II, stories and drafts)
lists work The Vicissitudes of Evangeline a.k.a. Red Hair
lists work Blanche et noire
lists work Strindberg's första hustru
lists work Fleurs scandinaves choix de poésies traduites du suédois
lists work Vie de Jeanne D'Arc. I. & II. volume
lists work Fredrika Bremer : sjelfbiografiska anteckningar, bref och efterlemnade skrifter : jemte en teckning af hennes lefnad och personlighet
lists work Delphine
lists work Mémoires de Madame la Marquise de Pompadour
lists work Evelina, ou l'Entrèe d'une jeune orpheline dans le monde
lists work Scènes de la vie anglaise. Tome premier
lists work Notre-Dame-Des-Près
lists work Enfance et jeunesse d'hommes illustres
lists work La Guérison
lists work Fredrika Bremer: kuvaus vuosisatamme alkupuolelta
lists work Gustaf Fröding
lists work Little Wide Awake. An Illustrated Magazine for Good Children
lists work Alicia Newcome: A Story of the Upper Missouri
lists work Girlhood of Shakespeare Heroines; in Series of Tales. First Series.
lists work The life of Charlotte Brontë
lists work Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan, a story of the Times of Whitefield and the Wesleys
lists work Bunny Brothers
lists work La divine chanson
lists work Prinsessan Eugénie. Konstnärinna och filantrop
lists work Mémoires sur la vie privée de Marie-Antoinette
lists work Schiller. En Lefnadsteckning
lists work Svenska princessor. Korta biografiska teckningar
lists work The letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning 1845-1846. With Portraits and Facsimiles.
lists work The Mighty Atom
lists work A Little Brown Mouse
lists work Enfances Célèbres
lists work English Women of Letters: Biographical Sketches
lists work Wild Sheba
lists work Cross Patch, and other stories. Adapted from the myths of Mother Goose
lists work Red Pottage
lists work The Shulamite
lists work Erik Gustaf Geijer. En lefnadsteckning
lists work The professor
lists work The pretty sister of José
lists work Boy
lists work The Making of a Marchioness
lists work Barabbas: A Dream of the World's Tragedy
lists work Två systrar. Schillers Lotte och Line
lists work La paysanne parvenue ou Les Memoires de Madame la Marquise de L. V. A La Haye Chez Jean Neaulme
lists work What Katy did at school
lists work Anthologie des Poètes Français Contemporains (1866-1914). Le Parnasse et les écoles postérieures au Parnasse (1866-1915)
lists work Zachris Topelius
lists work Kleopatra och hennes samtid
lists work Vrouw. Indische roman
lists work Little Lord Fauntleroy
lists work *Lia und die Männer
lists work Diana Tempest
lists work La fille de millionaire. Comédie en trois actes et en prose
lists work Travail et célébrité. Contes historiques. Dédiés a la jeunesse. Revus et corrigés
lists work Sakari Topelius
lists work Dr. Johannes Scherr, Johanna
lists work Elisabeth ou les exilés de Sibérie
lists work Hedvig Elisabeth Charlottas Dagbok. Öfversatt och redigerad Cecilia af Klercker född Lewenhaupt. VIII. 1807-1811
lists work Hedvig Elisabeth Charlottas Dagbok. Öfversatt och redigerad Cecilia af Klercker född Lewenhaupt. IX. 1812-1817.
lists work Hedvig Elisabeth Charlottas Dagbok. Öfversatt och redigerad Cecilia af Klercker född Lewenhaupt. V. 1795-1796
lists work Hedvig Elisabeth Charlottas Dagbok. Öfversatt och redigerad Cecilia af Klercker född Lewenhaupt. VI. 1797-1799
lists work Hedvig Elisabeth Charlottas Dagbok III 1789-1792
lists work Hedvig Elisabeth Charlottas Dagbok. Öfversatt och utgifven af Carl Carlson Bonde. I. 1775-1782
lists work Les mémoires de Margueritte
lists work Jupiter's Daughters. In one Volume
lists work Viva
lists work Indiana
lists work The life of Fredrika Bremer
lists work Ur Hellen Kellers lefnadssaga. Hennes själfbiografie jämte bref af och till henne samt några anteckningar om henne
lists work Troix grandes Époques de l'histoire suives d'une légende du Xe siècle. P.-C.L.
lists work Lady Byron Vindicated: A History of the Byron Controversy
lists work Adam Bede
lists work Fredrika Bremers Brev. Samlade och utgivna af Klara Johanson och Ellen Kleman
lists work Les Petits poëtes et littérateurs, contes historiques dédiés à la jeunesse, par Mme Eugénie Foa... Le Roi René, Christine de Pisan, Clément Marot, Mme de Sévigné, Fénelon, Daniel de Foe, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Mme de Staël
lists work Fredrika Bremer : biografisk studie
lists work Hedvig Elisabeth Charlottas Dagbok II, 1783-1788
lists work The Beauties of Biography
lists work Malgrétout
lists work Anna Maria Lenngren. Andra omarbetade upplagan. Utgiven till hundraårsdagen av hennes död
lists work Gilles de Claircoeur
lists work Madame de Pompadour. Kärleksöden I.
lists work Les porteuses de torches. Roman moderne
lists work Omkring Carl Gustaf Tessin. II. Drottningen.
lists work Bal blanc. Nouvelle
lists work Esquisses sur les femmes
lists work La Ville noire
lists work Kuuluisia naisia. Ebba Brahe ja Kristina Kuningatar.
lists work En ung societetsdams dagbok året 1764-1765. Utgiven av hennes anförvant Alexander Blacker Kerr
lists work Die Marquise von Pompadour. Ein Lebensbild aus dem Rokoko
lists work Kvinnorna kring Napoleon
lists work Sophie von Knorring. En svensk romanförfattarinnas liv och dikt
lists work Goethes moder
lists work Les femmes illustres de l'Europe
lists work Hedvig Elisabeth Charlottas Dagbok. Öfversatt af Cecilia af Klercker född Lewenhaupt. IV. 1793-1794
lists work Goethes hustru
lists work Briefe (Gottsched)
lists work La Sœur de Gribouille
lists work Vie de Jeanne d'Arc
lists work La petite fille de Jérusalem
lists work Paul Nicolay. En levnadsteckning
lists work Les Enfants
In this reception

No persons found

Via received works
M. och Mme de Stael. En äktenskapshistoria i bref Germaine de Staël , Unknown author (to be identified)
Madame de Staël. En svensk ambassadörsgemåls triumfer och nederlag. Germaine de Staël , Unknown author (to be identified)
Spiridion. Bekenntnisse eines Monchs Johannes Scherr
Journal de Marie Bashkirtseff Marie Bashkirtseff , Sand, George
Mildred Georgiana Marion Craik
Keisarinnan Eugénie. En levnadsteckning av Clara Tschudi ~~author (name unknown) , Prinsessan Eugénie
Minna Canthin elämäkerta Lucina Hagman , Minna Canth
Amalie Dietrich: elämäntarina Anni Helmi Krohn
Rahel Varnhagen tecknad af Ellen Key Ellen Karolina Sofia Key , Rahel Varnhagen
Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen
Spiritistinen istunto Minna Canth
Kehitys-aikana Unknown translator (to be identified)
A Girton girl Annie Edwardes (Edwards)
The sorrows of Satan, or, The strange experience of one Geoffrey Tempest, millionaire Mary Mackay
Oeuvres complètes de George Sand Sand, George
Mauprat Sand, George
Mauprat Sand, George
Kuuluisia naisia. Pyhä Birgitta ja Kaarina Maununtytär Unknown translator (to be identified)
Märkvärdiga qvinnor. Serie 1, Utländska qvinnor. Amalie Wilhelmine Sieveking , Ellen Fries , Lady Mary Wortley Montagu , Leonora Christina Ulfeldt , Marie de Sévigné , Mary Fairfax Somerville , Roswitha von Gandersheim , Vittoria Colonna
Vertu. A George Sand Madame Gustave Fould , Sand, George
C. Gyllenram, Corinna, eller Italien ~~translator male (name below)
Konungen av rom Clara Tschudi
Isidora Sand, George
Wilhelm Wegelius. Elämänkuvaus Ottilia Stenbäck
Birgitta Emilia Fogelklou
La botanique historique et littéraire [...] suivie d'une nouvelle [..] Les fleurs, ou les artistes Stéphanie Félicité de Genlis
Little men Louisa May Alcott
Nykyaikainen uranuurtaja. Elämäkerrallinen tutkielma Unknown translator (to be identified)
La consolatrice Marcelle Tinayre
Blätter aus dem Tagebuche Ihrer Majestät der Königin Victoria während des Aufenthaltes der Königlichen Familie in den Hochlanden von 1848 bis 1861 nebst Auszügen aus demselben Tagebuche über frühere Besuche in Schottland, Touren in England und Irland und Seefahrten. Autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe Unknown translator (to be identified)
La joie fait peur Delphine Gay
Nietzchéenne Jeanne Lapauze
Gräfin von Rudolstadt ~~translator male (name below)
Uncle Tom's cabin, or Life among the lowly Harriet Elisabeth Beecher Stowe
The flower of the family : a book for girls Elizabeth Prentiss
Les Petits artistes peintres et musiciens, contes historiques dédiés à la jeunesse, contenant Guido, Marietta Tintorella, Van Dyck, Callot, Salvator Rosa, Sébastien Gomès, J.B. Lulli, Boieldieu Eugénie Foa
Corinne ou l'Italie Diodata Saluzzo Roero , Germaine de Staël
Forget me not 1828. A Miscellany Emma Roberts , Sarah Lee
Zeph. A Posthumous Story Helen Maria Hunt Jackson
Romola George Eliot
Hilda Stafford and The Remittance Man Beatrice Harraden
Rachel Grey Julia Kavanagh
Grace Lee Julia Kavanagh
Tales of the Uneasy Violet Hunt
The Reflections of Ambrosine Elinor Glyn
Nathalie Julia Kavanagh
The Chief Legatee Anna Katharine Green
Der Geldverleiher. Vol. 1 ~~translator male (name below)
Forget-Me-Nots Julia Kavanagh
Villette Charlotte Brontë
The Leavenworth Case. A Story of Crime by Anna K. Green. Anna Katharine Green
Adèle Julia Kavanagh
Ships That Pass in the Night Beatrice Harraden
A noble life Dinah Mulock Craik
Le bleuet. Préface de George Sand Madame Gustave Fould , Sand, George
Le Meunier d'Angibault Sand, George
La force du passée. Roman Jeanne Lapauze
Omkring Carl Gustaf Tessin. I. Fru Grevinnan Ulla och Fru Grevinnan Augusta. Stockholm Sigrid Amalia Leijonhufvud
Blaise Pascal Agnes Langenskjöld
Vertu. A George Sand Madame Gustave Fould , Sand, George
Ellénore Sophie Gay
The Swindler and the Following Stories (The Swindler' Handicap, The Nonentity, Her Hero, The Example) Ethel May Dell
Catherine of Calais Elizabeth de la Pasture
Temporal power. A study in supremacy Mary Mackay
Lettres [de Madame de Sévigné] Marie de Sévigné
Selma Lagerlöf Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf , Unknown author (to be identified)
Easy Poetry for Children. A Selection from the Best Authors Amelia Opie , Caroline Maria Gemmer , Charlotte Smith , Eliza Lee Follen , Felicia Dorothea Hemans , Jane Euphemia Browne , Jane Taylor , Mary Lamb , Phyllis Valentina Hawtrey
Tom Dunstone's Troubles and How He Got over Them Elizabeth Eiloart
Romantic tales Dinah Mulock Craik
Three Weeks Elinor Glyn
En självbiografi. Grundad på dagböcker och brev Anne Charlotte Leffler , Anne Charlotte Leffler
Three Tales for Boys (A Hero. - The Little Lychett's. - Cola Monti.) In One Volume. Dinah Mulock Craik
Keisarinnan Katarina II:s memoarer skrivna av henne själ Adolf Hillman
A Bow of Orange Ribbon Amelia Barr
Haunted hearts Maria Susanna Cummins
La Jeunesse de la Grande Mademoiselle Arvède Barine
Millicent and Her Cousins Augusta Bethell
John Dorrien. In three volumes. Vol. I, Vol II, Vol III Julia Kavanagh
Märkvärdiga kvinnor. Serie 2, svenska qvinnor Anna Maria Lenngren , Birgitta av Vadstena , Drottning Kristina Wasa av Sverige , Ellen Fries , Fredrika Bremer , Hedvig Charlotta Nordenflycht
Queen Mab Julia Kavanagh
Beatrice Julia Kavanagh
Adelaïde Ehrnrooth. Kvinnospår i finländskt kulturliv Adelaïde Ehrnrooth , Helena Westermarck
The Minister's Wooing Harriet Elisabeth Beecher Stowe
Sweet William Maria Albanesi
Laulajattaren muistelmat Eliel Johannes Wartiainen , Näemi Ingman Starck
Selection from the poems of Mrs. Hemans and the patriotic poems of Eliza Cook Felicia Dorothea Hemans
Les amis de sa jeunesse et sa correspondance intime. Jeanne Françoise Récamier
Morfars bok. Minnen och bilder från Tegnérska tiden. Förra delen. Senare delen Cecilia Ulrika Laura Lovisa Bååth- Holmberg
Lucienne Judith Gautier
Katharina den stora Kerstin Wimnell
Ellen Key. Hennes liv och verk Ebba Maria (Mia) Lovisa Leche Löfgren , Ellen Karolina Sofia Key
Totote. Roman inédit Gyp
Fredrika Bremers Bild. Kalender utgiven af Sigrid Leijonhufvud och Ellen Kleman Emilia Fogelklou , Eva Charlotta Carolina Dahlgren , Fredrika Bremer , Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf , Sigrid Amalia Leijonhufvud
Le Marquis de Villemer Sand, George
Le mauvais génie Sophie de Ségur
The Rocks of Valprè Ethel May Dell
Silas Marner George Eliot
The Sheik. A Novel Edith Maud Hull
Les Fleures parlantes. Ornées de douze vignettes par Louis Lassaille coloriées avec soin Louise Leneveux
The Mill on the Floss George Eliot
The Man from America Elizabeth de la Pasture
Svenska kvinnor från skilda verksamhetsområden. Biografisk upplagsbok Sofie Lovisa (Louise) Arosenius , Walborg Hedberg
Jacques Sand, George
Finska qvinnor. På olika arbetsområden. Biografiskt album. Alexandra Gripenberg , Augusta Lundahl -Wallenius , ~~author (name unknown) , Fredrika Runeberg , Hedvig von Numers , Hilda Käkikoski , Ida Gustava Godenhjelm , Johanna Ottilia (Hanna) Andersin , Marie Linder , Wilhelmina Nordström
Das Leben Friedrich Nietzsche's Therese Elisabeth Alexandra Förster -Nietzsche
Les contes de ma bonne Eugénie Foa
Innocent. Her Fancy and His Fact. A Novel. Mary Mackay
Biografiskt album Alexandra Gripenberg , Aurora Karamzin , ~~author female (name unknown) , Elizabeth A. Ashurst , Elizabeth Cady Stanton , Ellen Karolina Sofia Key , Ellen Karolina Sofia Key , Elna Lovisa Johanna Tenow , Lina Morgenstern , Margrethe Fibiger , Mathilde Fibiger , Pundita Ramabai Sarasvati , Ragna Nielsen
Denis le tyran Josephine-Blanche Bouchet Madame Louis-Casimir Colomb
Bettina. En livsväg kring Goethe. (Till Grevinnan Ebba Snoilsky) Ebba Fredrika Eleonora Snoilsky , Inez Alfhild Beatrice Zade
Svenskar från förra seklet. Biografiska studier I. Benjamin Höijer - Hans Järta Lydia Katarina Wahlström
Home Tales; including The Affectionate Brothers; The Sisters; The Blind Farmer and His Children. Barbara Hofland
A Garden of Spinsters Annie E. Holdsworth
Love-in-a-Mist Maria Albanesi
English Reader. A Collection of Tales and Poems by English and American Authors for the Use of Schools and for Private Study. Anna Therese Bohnhof
Das Erstgeburtsrecht. Eine Novelle Unknown translator (to be identified)
Elizabeth Visits America Elinor Glyn
The World and Winstow Edith Henrietta Fowler
Die Frau des Gesandten. Vol. 1-2. ~~translator male (name below)
Man and Maid Elinor Glyn
Lucie Rodey Alice Marie Céleste Durand
Sveriges modernaste diktare. Carl Jonas Ludvig Almqvist Ellen Karolina Sofia Key
Lucienne Judith Gautier
Människor Ellen Karolina Sofia Key
Dr. Johannes Scherr, Gilberte ~~translator male (name below)
Bigarrette Zénaïde Fleuriot
Mathilda Rotkirch. Finlands första målarinna Helena Westermarck
Gräfin von Rudolstadt ~~translator male (name below)
Valentine Sand, George
Kuuluisia naisia. Jeanne d'Arc, Maria Teresia, Vittoria Colonna, Madame de Sévigné. Unknown translator (to be identified)
Ur studieboken I-II, berättelser och utkast (From the sketch pad I-II, stories and drafts) Helena Westermarck
The Vicissitudes of Evangeline a.k.a. Red Hair Elinor Glyn
Blanche et noire Fanny de Bégon
Strindberg's första hustru Karin Smirnoff
Fleurs scandinaves choix de poésies traduites du suédois Anna Maria Lenngren , Carolina Wilhelmina Stålberg , Hedvig Charlotta Nordenflycht , Mlle R. du Puget
Vie de Jeanne D'Arc. I. & II. volume Anatole France
Fredrika Bremer : sjelfbiografiska anteckningar, bref och efterlemnade skrifter : jemte en teckning af hennes lefnad och personlighet Charlotte Quiding - Bremer
Delphine Germaine de Staël
Mémoires de Madame la Marquise de Pompadour Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson Marquise de Pompadour
Evelina, ou l'Entrèe d'une jeune orpheline dans le monde Unknown translator (to be identified)
Scènes de la vie anglaise. Tome premier Jenny Bastide
Notre-Dame-Des-Près Eudoxie Dupuis
Enfance et jeunesse d'hommes illustres Eugénie Foa
La Guérison Isabelle Rivière
Fredrika Bremer: kuvaus vuosisatamme alkupuolelta Fredrika Bremer , Lucina Hagman
Gustaf Fröding Ida Bäckmann
Little Wide Awake. An Illustrated Magazine for Good Children Lucy Elizabeth Sale- Barker
Alicia Newcome: A Story of the Upper Missouri Frances Auretta Fuller Victor
Girlhood of Shakespeare Heroines; in Series of Tales. First Series. Mary Victoria Cowden Clarke
The life of Charlotte Brontë Charlotte Brontë , Elizabeth Gaskell
Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan, a story of the Times of Whitefield and the Wesleys Elizabeth Rundle Charles
Bunny Brothers Jacqueline Clayton
La divine chanson Maria Rosette Shapira
Prinsessan Eugénie. Konstnärinna och filantrop Ellen Helga Louise Hagen , Prinsessan Eugénie
Mémoires sur la vie privée de Marie-Antoinette Jeanne Louise Henriette Genest Campan
Schiller. En Lefnadsteckning Cecilia Ulrika Laura Lovisa Bååth- Holmberg
Svenska princessor. Korta biografiska teckningar Prinsessan Eugénie
The letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning 1845-1846. With Portraits and Facsimiles. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The Mighty Atom Mary Mackay
A Little Brown Mouse Maria Albanesi
Enfances Célèbres Louise Colet
English Women of Letters: Biographical Sketches Julia Kavanagh
Wild Sheba Alice Askew , Claude Askew
Cross Patch, and other stories. Adapted from the myths of Mother Goose Sarah Chauncey Woolsey
Red Pottage Mary Cholmondeley
The Shulamite Alice Askew , Claude Askew
Erik Gustaf Geijer. En lefnadsteckning Lydia Katarina Wahlström
The professor Charlotte Brontë
The pretty sister of José Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett
Boy Mary Mackay
The Making of a Marchioness Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett
Barabbas: A Dream of the World's Tragedy Mary Mackay
Två systrar. Schillers Lotte och Line Inez Alfhild Beatrice Zade
La paysanne parvenue ou Les Memoires de Madame la Marquise de L. V. A La Haye Chez Jean Neaulme Amélie Chevalier
What Katy did at school Sarah Chauncey Woolsey
Anthologie des Poètes Français Contemporains (1866-1914). Le Parnasse et les écoles postérieures au Parnasse (1866-1915) Louisa Siefert , Louise Ackermann , Unknown editor (to be identified)
Zachris Topelius Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf
Kleopatra och hennes samtid Karin von Francken
Vrouw. Indische roman Elisabeth Overduyn - Heyligers
Little Lord Fauntleroy Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett
*Lia und die Männer Grazia Deledda
Diana Tempest Mary Cholmondeley
La fille de millionaire. Comédie en trois actes et en prose Delphine Gay
Travail et célébrité. Contes historiques. Dédiés a la jeunesse. Revus et corrigés Eugénie Foa
Sakari Topelius Anni Helmi Krohn , Tyyni Tuulio
Dr. Johannes Scherr, Johanna ~~translator male (name below)
Elisabeth ou les exilés de Sibérie Sophie Cottin
Hedvig Elisabeth Charlottas Dagbok. Öfversatt och redigerad Cecilia af Klercker född Lewenhaupt. VIII. 1807-1811 Cecilia af Klercker , Hedvig Elisabet Charlotta Holstein- Gottorp
Hedvig Elisabeth Charlottas Dagbok. Öfversatt och redigerad Cecilia af Klercker född Lewenhaupt. IX. 1812-1817. Cecilia af Klercker , Hedvig Elisabet Charlotta Holstein- Gottorp
Hedvig Elisabeth Charlottas Dagbok. Öfversatt och redigerad Cecilia af Klercker född Lewenhaupt. V. 1795-1796 Cecilia af Klercker , Hedvig Elisabet Charlotta Holstein- Gottorp
Hedvig Elisabeth Charlottas Dagbok. Öfversatt och redigerad Cecilia af Klercker född Lewenhaupt. VI. 1797-1799 Cecilia af Klercker , Hedvig Elisabet Charlotta Holstein- Gottorp
Hedvig Elisabeth Charlottas Dagbok III 1789-1792 Hedvig Elisabet Charlotta Holstein- Gottorp
Hedvig Elisabeth Charlottas Dagbok. Öfversatt och utgifven af Carl Carlson Bonde. I. 1775-1782 Hedvig Elisabet Charlotta Holstein- Gottorp
Les mémoires de Margueritte Clarisse Coignet
Jupiter's Daughters. In one Volume Henrietta Camila Jenkin
Viva Emily Feake Bridges
Indiana Sand, George
The life of Fredrika Bremer Fredrika Bremer , Margaret Howitt
Ur Hellen Kellers lefnadssaga. Hennes själfbiografie jämte bref af och till henne samt några anteckningar om henne Unknown translator (to be identified)
Troix grandes Époques de l'histoire suives d'une légende du Xe siècle. P.-C.L. Antoinette-Joséphine-Françoise-Anne Comtesse Drohojowska
Lady Byron Vindicated: A History of the Byron Controversy ~~author (name unknown) , Lady Byron
Adam Bede George Eliot
Fredrika Bremers Brev. Samlade och utgivna af Klara Johanson och Ellen Kleman Fredrika Bremer
Les Petits poëtes et littérateurs, contes historiques dédiés à la jeunesse, par Mme Eugénie Foa... Le Roi René, Christine de Pisan, Clément Marot, Mme de Sévigné, Fénelon, Daniel de Foe, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Mme de Staël Christine de Pizan , Eugénie Foa , Germaine de Staël , Marie de Sévigné
Fredrika Bremer : biografisk studie Fredrika Bremer , Sigrid Amalia Leijonhufvud , Sophie Adlersparre
Hedvig Elisabeth Charlottas Dagbok II, 1783-1788 Hedvig Elisabet Charlotta Holstein- Gottorp
The Beauties of Biography Aphra Behn , ~~author (name unknown) , Elizabeth Thomas , Laetitia Pilkington , Susanna Centlivre
Malgrétout Sand, George
Anna Maria Lenngren. Andra omarbetade upplagan. Utgiven till hundraårsdagen av hennes död Anna Maria Lenngren , ~~author male (name below)
Gilles de Claircoeur Jeanne Lapauze
Madame de Pompadour. Kärleksöden I. ~~author male (name below)
Les porteuses de torches. Roman moderne Jehan d'Ivray Fahmy Bey
Omkring Carl Gustaf Tessin. II. Drottningen. Sigrid Amalia Leijonhufvud
Bal blanc. Nouvelle Mathilde Alanic
Esquisses sur les femmes Isabelle Gatti de Gamond
La Ville noire Sand, George
Kuuluisia naisia. Ebba Brahe ja Kristina Kuningatar. Unknown translator (to be identified)
En ung societetsdams dagbok året 1764-1765. Utgiven av hennes anförvant Alexander Blacker Kerr ~~translator male (name below)
Die Marquise von Pompadour. Ein Lebensbild aus dem Rokoko Gertrude Aretz
Kvinnorna kring Napoleon Unknown translator (to be identified)
Sophie von Knorring. En svensk romanförfattarinnas liv och dikt ~~author female (name unknown) , Sophie von Knorring
Goethes moder Clara Tschudi
Les femmes illustres de l'Europe Albertine Necker de Saussure , Anne-Marie de la Trémoille princesse Des Ursins , Antoinette-Joséphine-Françoise-Anne Comtesse Drohojowska , Cassandra Fedele Mapelli , Countess Jadwiga Zamoyska Działyńska , Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia , Frances d'Amboise , Fredrika Bremer , Friederike Charlotte Luise Riedesel , Henriette de Clèves, duchesse de Nevers, dame de Gonzague , Isabella d'Aragona Sforza , Izabela Czartoryska , Karoline Pichler , Klementyna Tańska - Hoffmanowa , Lady Mary Wortley Montagu , Maria Edgeworth , Santa Caterina da Siena , Vittoria Colonna
Hedvig Elisabeth Charlottas Dagbok. Öfversatt af Cecilia af Klercker född Lewenhaupt. IV. 1793-1794 Cecilia af Klercker , Hedvig Elisabet Charlotta Holstein- Gottorp
Goethes hustru ~~translator female (name unknown)
Briefe (Gottsched) Luise Adelgunde Victorie Kulmus Gottsched
La Sœur de Gribouille Sophie de Ségur
Vie de Jeanne d'Arc Jeanne Paule de Beaupoil, de Saint-Aulaire
La petite fille de Jérusalem Maria Rosette Shapira
Paul Nicolay. En levnadsteckning Greta Langenskjöld
Les Enfants Pauline Guizot