Slovanska knjižnica Slavic library ARTICLE Slovenia

Title Slovanska knjižnica Slavic library
Is same as work Slovanska knjižnica
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Slovenia
Date 1894
Notes ['Notice about new books in Slovanska knjižnica (Slavic library). The first story was a tale from the life of Polish people written by Waleria Morzkowska – Smutna swadźba (A Sad Marriage, Žalostna svatba, 1876), which was valued as of no much worth. Moreover, it was noted that the title had nothing to do with the contents. The second story – Stryko Martinko (Uncle Martinek, Stric Martinek, 1889) by Gabriela Preissová – had been more appreciated. Slovanska knjižnica also brought Eliza Orzeszkowa’s book Romanowa (Roman’s Wife, Stara Romanka, 1888) in Slovenian translation.\nHERA_TestTB2015']

No works found

In this reception
mentions person Eliza Orzeszkowa
mentions person Gabriela Preissová
mentions person Waleria Morzkowska
Via received works

No persons found