Whittier, *Mention in letter to Thomas Tracy UNKNOWN

Title Whittier, *Mention in letter to Thomas Tracy
Is same as work Whittier, *Mention in letter to Thomas Tracy
Author Unknown reader (to be identified)
Date 1847
Notes ['Author: John Greenleaf Whittier.\r\n\r\nIn a letter to Thomas Tracy, May 6, 1847:\r\n"I wanted to send you, but find my sister has carried with her, the "Cadet de Colobrières" by Madame Ch. Raybund - a pure, chaste and really beautiful French story, illustrative of the life and manners of the old noblesse of the latter part of the last century. Do get it. I know you will like it: it is refreshing to meet with such a book in the literature disgraced by the Sues and Victor Hugos and George Sands of the modern Satanic school." p.89']
In this reception

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Via received works
Le cadet de Colobrières Fanny-Henriette Reybaud