*Chronicle of Irish Poor Clares WORK

Title *Chronicle of Irish Poor Clares
Is same as work *Chronicle of Irish Poor Clares
Author Mary Bonaventure Browne
Date 1672
Notes ["mlc oct11\n[title supplied]\n\nThe seventeenth-century Irish Chronicle of the Poor Clares appropriates Evelinge's language to describe the Irish exerience. However, this is a translation into English of a chronicle originally authored by Mary Bonaventure Browne in Irish Gaelic (see her in database). Therefore, the attribution to Browne is uncertain. See Marie-Louise Coolahan, Women, Writing, and Language in Early Modern Ireland (2010), Chapter 2. The English translation of Browne's Chronicle is a manuscript, held privately by the religious order."]
In this reception

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Via received works
The History of the Angelicall Virgin Glorious S. Clare Elizabeth Evelinge