*Letter about this book - translated in women's press "Almanaque das Senhoras" [Ladies Almanac] LETTER

Title *Letter about this book - translated in women's press "Almanaque das Senhoras" [Ladies Almanac]
Is same as work *Letter about this book - translated in women's press "Almanaque das Senhoras" [Ladies Almanac]
Author Victor Hugo
Date 1865
Notes ['Letter of Victor Hugo, May 18th 1865, (probably in french) translated in a women press\' article "Almanaque das Senhoras" [Ladies Almanac], 1877, p. 259: \r\n“Duas vezes, senhora, li no meu ermo o vosso livro. Há na vossa obra, para quem souber entendê-la períodos que prendem e comovem. É um livro pensado. É um livro sentido” \r\n["Twice, ma\'am, I read your book in my wilderness. There is in your work, for those who know how to understand it, poignant and holding periods. It is a thought book. It is a felt book.]\r\n\r\nstandardizingsept12pu\r\n\r\nJudgment/evaluation :\r\n-\tPositive about work']
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Entre Deux Femmes Countess Maria Montemerli