The Letters of Madam de Maintenon; and other Eminent Persons in the Age of Lewis XIV. To which are added, Some Characters. WORK

Title The Letters of Madam de Maintenon; and other Eminent Persons in the Age of Lewis XIV. To which are added, Some Characters.
Is same as work The Letters of Madam de Maintenon; and other Eminent Persons in the Age of Lewis XIV. To which are added, Some Characters.
Author Unknown translator (to be identified)
Date 1753
Notes ["concerning paratext:\r\n{Name of woman on title page}\r\n{Name of translator NOT on title page}\r\niii-viii Preface to the French edition.\r\nI shall take up little of the Reader's Time in proving the Authenticity of these Letters: Whoever peruses them, will find the Marks of Genuinineness too strong in them, to leave the least room to doubt of it.\r\nThere is less Humour, less Levity, and less Wit in them, than in the Letters of _Sevigne_; but the stile is as /\r\niv\r\nnatural; they are withal more interesting; abound with stronger Sense; and Madam _de Maintenon_ will from henceforth be ranked among the best Writers of the Age of Lewis XIV.\r\n[...]\r\nsvdjun10chawton"]
In this reception

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Via received works
Lettres de Madame de Maintenon Françoise de Maintenon