The World Unmask'd: Or, The Philospher the greatest Cheat; In Twenty-Four Dialogues Between Crito a Philsopher, Philo a Lawyer, and Erastus a Merchant. In which True Virtue is distingtushed from what usually bears the Name or Resemblance of it . . . WORK

Title The World Unmask'd: Or, The Philospher the greatest Cheat; In Twenty-Four Dialogues Between Crito a Philsopher, Philo a Lawyer, and Erastus a Merchant. In which True Virtue is distingtushed from what usually bears the Name or Resemblance of it . . .
Is same as work The World Unmask'd: Or, The Philospher the greatest Cheat; In Twenty-Four Dialogues Between Crito a Philsopher, Philo a Lawyer, and Erastus a Merchant. In which True Virtue is distingtushed from what usually bears the Name or Resemblance of it . . .
Part of work
Author Unknown translator (to be identified)
Date 1736
In this reception

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Via received works
Le monde fou préféré au monde sage , en 24 promenades de 3 amis, Criton, philosophe, Philon, avocat, Éraste, négociant Marie Huber