Omituinen ilmiö kirjallisuudessa A strange phenomenon in literature ARTICLE Finland

Title Omituinen ilmiö kirjallisuudessa A strange phenomenon in literature
Is same as work Omituinen ilmiö kirjallisuudessa
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Finland
Date 1895
Notes ['The article in the periodical of wome\'s movement, "Koti ja yhteiskunta" 9/1895 criticises Ouida hard: "Ouda worships the most rotten part of the society - - but she can\'t depict real people". Pasquerel, Lady Hilda and Ariadne are mentioned. The only Finnish translation in the 19th century, Lehti myrskyssä (see below), is seen as a positive exception in Ouda\'s works. JWapr16']

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