Kirjallisuutta ja taidetta Literature and art PUBLICITY

Title Kirjallisuutta ja taidetta Literature and art
Is same as work Kirjallisuutta ja taidetta
Author Unknown translator (to be identified)
Date 1917
Notes ['The small article in the newspaper Hämeen sanomat 27.1.1917 says: "There hardly are novels more fresh or poetic for the young girls as the works by this famous American writer. They are excellent descriptions of domestic happiness and waking emotional life, at the same time as their sane humour and intelligence make them important for the education of character." The same text advertising "Little women" in Länsi-Suomi 27.1.1917.Almost the same text also in Karjalan aamulehti 27.1.1917, Savon Sanomat 29.1.1917, Satakunnan Sanomat 31.1.1917, Karjalatar 1.12.1917, Maakansa 8.2.1917, Karjala 4.3.1917.JWnov16']
lists work Pikku naisia
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Pikku naisia Tyyni Tuulio