Eistedfod - det aarlige digterstevne i Wales Eistedfod - the yearly poetry festival in Wales ARTICLE Norway

Title Eistedfod - det aarlige digterstevne i Wales Eistedfod - the yearly poetry festival in Wales
Is same as work Eistedfod - det aarlige digterstevne i Wales
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Norway
Date 1895
Notes ['EF14.\r\n\r\n\r\nDear Elise, some questions|:\r\n- is Kringsjaa the title of a periodical? then please can you add complete references? - do you have them ?\r\n- or is it the name of the journalist? where is the name of the journalist? Eistedfod?\r\nthanks!\r\nsuzan']

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