Kirjallista Literary PUBLICITY

Title Kirjallista Literary
Is same as work Kirjallista
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1900
Notes ['An advertisement about the translation that will soon be made by the Finnish women\'s sorority. 27.11.1900 in the newspapers Karjalatar, Rauman lehti, Mikkelin sanomat, 28.11.1900 in the newspapers Savo-Karbala, Suomalainen, 30.11.1900 Uusimaa, Wiipuri, 1.12.1900 Wiipuri, 6.12.1900 Pohjalainen. About the already translated book in the newspaper Bokhandelstidning 1.12.1900, Työmies 6.12.1900, Mikkeli 7.12.1900, Michelin sanomat 8.12.1900, Wiipuri 8.12.1900, Sanomia Turusta 8.12.1900, Suomalainen 10.12.1900, Uusimaa 10.12.1900, Savo-Karbala 10.12.1900, Hämeen sanomat 10.12.1900, Rauman lehti 11.12.1900, Uusi aura 11.12.1900, Kaiku 12.12.1900, Uusi Savo 13.12.1900, Kansan lehti 13.12.1900, Tampereen uutiset 13.12.1900 (" The books by Coolidge have everywhere in the English speaking world got well reserved recognition because of their good content and lively way of telling. This book is the most well known of her books and is therefore translated to many civilised languages and got many friends among the growing young people"), Satakunta 13.12.1900, Kansan lehti 13.12.1900, Kansalainen 14.12.1900, Pohjalainen 14.12.1900, Itä-Suomen sanomat 15.12.1900, Uusi Suometar 15.12.1900, 16.12.1900, Uusimaa 17.12.1900, Koitar 18.12.1900, Louhi 19.12.1900, Isänmaan ystävä 21.12.1900, Karjalatar 22.12.1900, Lahden lehti 22.12.1900, Kotkan uutiset 22.1.1905 (advertising a book club where you can buy books cheap). JWmar16']
lists work Katrin toimet
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Katrin toimet Elin Hagfors