Letter to the Editor on "Pepita Jiménez", by R[obert]. B[ontine] Cunninghame Graham ARTICLE England

Title Letter to the Editor on "Pepita Jiménez", by R[obert]. B[ontine] Cunninghame Graham
Is same as work Letter to the Editor on "Pepita Jiménez", by R[obert]. B[ontine] Cunninghame Graham
Author ~~author male (name below)
Place England
Date 1892
Notes ['The reader protests against the description of the novel Pepita Jiménez by Valera as "the typical Spanish novel of the century" and advances the names of Pérez Galdós, Leopoldo Alas, Pardo Bazán, Palacio Valdés and Pereda.\r\nHP, AP12']

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mentions person Emilia Pardo Bazán
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