Recueil des paroles de nostre Mère Ste Thérèse, sur la practique de la vertu [Compendium of the sayings of our Mother St. Teresa, on the Practice of Virtue] ANTHOLOGY

Title Recueil des paroles de nostre Mère Ste Thérèse, sur la practique de la vertu [Compendium of the sayings of our Mother St. Teresa, on the Practice of Virtue]
Is same as work Recueil des paroles de nostre Mère Ste Thérèse, sur la practique de la vertu [Compendium of the sayings of our Mother St. Teresa, on the Practice of Virtue]
Author Unknown translator (to be identified)
Date 1650
Notes ['MLC may12\r\n\r\nNB is this an anthology ? definition to be given probably: in my view anthology would contain texts by different authors - but: to be discussed. svdjul13']
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Obras de la gloriosa madre Santa Teresa de Jesus Santa Teresa de Jesús