Feudal Tyrants; Or, The Counts of Carlsheim and Sargans. A Romance. Taken From The German WORK

Title Feudal Tyrants; Or, The Counts of Carlsheim and Sargans. A Romance. Taken From The German
Is same as work Feudal Tyrants; Or, The Counts of Carlsheim and Sargans. A Romance. Taken From The German
Author ~~translator male (name below)
Date 1806
Notes ['British Fiction 1800-1829.\r\n\r\nTranslator: M.G. Lewis\r\n\r\nconcerning paratext:\r\n{Name of woman NOT on title page}\r\n{Preface absent}\r\n\r\n{Presence of Notes by the Translator}\r\np. 1 [Note of the translator concerning the name "Elizabeth of Torrenburg":]\r\nThe real name is _Toggenburg_; but as this would have sound harsh in English ears, I have taken the liberty of softening it a little; and in several parts of this work I have changed the names of places and personages entirely.\r\n[No other translator\'s notes apparently]\r\nsvdjun10chawton']
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Via received works
Elizabeth Erbin von Toggenburg. Oder Geschichte der Frauen von Sargans in der Schweiz Christiane Benedikte Eugenie Naubert