*Mention in Art. in De Gids *Mention in Art. in De Gids ARTICLE

Title *Mention in Art. in De Gids *Mention in Art. in De Gids
Is same as work *Mention in Art. in De Gids
Author Charles Boissevain
Date 1882
Notes ["A (part of a) poem is quoted. Not sure if it's originating from this work.\n\n[p.88]\n“dan is het mij, als hoorde ik een krijgsklaroen tot edele daden\nen tot moedig werk ons opwekken.\nDien zelfden toon slaat ook George Eliot aan in het volgende\nverheven gedicht:\n\nTOEKOMST-MÜZIEK. 89\nO may I join the choir invisible\nOf those immortal dead who live again\nIn minds made better by their presence; live\nIn pulses stirred to generosity,\nIn deeds of daring rectitude, in scorn\nFor miserable aims that end with self,\nIn thoughts sublime that pierce the night like stars,\nAnd with their mild persistence urge man's search\nTo vaster issues.\nSo to live is heaven\nTo make undying music in the world,\nBreathing a beauteous order that controls\nWith growing sway the growing life of man.\nSo we inherit that sweet purity\nFor which we stuggled, failed, and agonized\nWith widening retrospect that bred despair.\nEebellious flesh that would not be subdued,\nA vicious parent shaming still its child\nPoor anxious penitence, is quick dissolved;\nlts discords, quenched by meeting harmonies,\nDie in the large and charitable air.\nAnd all our rarer, better, truer self,\nThat sobbed religiously in yearning song,\nThat watched to ease the burthen of the world,\nLaboriously tracing what must be,\nAnd what may yet be better — saw within\nA worthier image for the sanctuary,\nAnd shaped it forth befbre the multitude\nDivinely human, raising worship so\nTo higher reference more mixed with love —\nThat better self-shall live till human Time\nShall fold its eye-lids, and the human sky\nBe gathered like a scroll within the tomb\nUnread forever.\nThis is life to come,\nWhich martyred men have made more glorious\nFor us who strive to follow. May I reach\nThat purest heaven, be to other souls\nThe cup of strength in som e great agony,\nEnkindle generous ardor, feed pure love,\nBeget the smiles that have no cruelty —\nBe the sweet presence of a good diiïused,\n\n90 TOEKOMST-MUZIEK.\nAnd in diffusion ever more intense.\nSo shall I join the choir invisible\nWhose music is the gladness of the world.”\n\n(credits:De Digitale Gids, www.arik.nl (non-OCRed scans of original pages))"]
In this reception

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Via received works
The Legend of Jubal and other poems George Eliot