Marija z Wasilowskich Konopnicka Maria Wasilowskich Konopnicka ARTICLE

Title Marija z Wasilowskich Konopnicka Maria Wasilowskich Konopnicka
Is same as work Marija z Wasilowskich Konopnicka
Author Unknown author (to be identified)
Date 1902
Notes ['It proclaims the Polish poet as someone who “stands in the front ranks among the great sons of the Polish nation” besides being also an “exceptional literary apparition.” In this article, her life, the influence of other Polish writers on her literary creativity and her poetic development are described in details. Among others, her epic poem Pan Balcer w Brazylii (Mister Balcer in Brazil) is interpreted, about which many Slovenian periodicals will report later on. \nHERA_TestTB2015']
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Pan Balcer w Brazylii Maria Konopnicka