Åbo Tidning Dödsfall i utlandet A death case abroad ARTICLE Norway

Title Åbo Tidning Dödsfall i utlandet A death case abroad
Is same as work Åbo Tidning Dödsfall i utlandet
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Norway
Date 1885
Notes ['The article in the newspaper Åbo tidning 8.5.1885 says:" April 18. died in the Highland falls in the state of New York the prominent american writer Susan Warner that wrote under the pseudonym Elizabeth Wetherell. The biggest fame she became through the novel "The wide, wide world" which was translated to the most of the european languages, even to ours. She was born in New York 1818." JWfeb16 ']

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In this reception
is obituary of Susan Bogert Warner
is obituary of Charlotte Mary Yonge
Via received works

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