*Remark about her being read LIST

Title *Remark about her being read
Is same as work *Remark about her being read
Author Unknown reader (to be identified)
Date 1600
Notes ['cf. \nJennifer Summit, Lost property: the woman writer and English literary history, 1380-1589. Chicago/Londres, Univ. of Chicago Press, 2000.\nchapter: "The City of Ladies in the Library of Gentlemen: Christine de Pisan in England, 1450-1526".\nfrom a review article by Norma Clarke in Gender and History aug. 2003, p.366 (15 (2003), p.366-370):\nIn 1641, Richard Braithwait [...] wondered why the works of so many women had been \'lost\' to literary history. Apparently, women had been producing texts that were known about and celebrated in sufficient quantity to be regretted. [...] B.\'s comment is less a description of \'loss\' than an active construction of it.\nsvdoct03']
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Via received works
La Cité des Dames Christine de Pizan