*Art. in Stockholms Posten ARTICLE Sweden

Title *Art. in Stockholms Posten
Is same as work *Art. in Stockholms Posten
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Sweden
Date 1779
Notes ["via Björkman p. 355\n\nBjörkman cites after Nordberg 1944, that the journalist thinks the works from Riccoboni (not mentioned which works) are amongst the most desirable and best teaching sort of imaginary fruits, they teach the youth while they are being entertained.\n\nAnd: the readers of these works knows they don't put idle fancies in the heads of the female readers. The journalist praises the quit tone in these works. Cultivated entertaining.\n\ntransl. Jws - 10 06"]

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comments on person Marie-Jeanne Riccoboni
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