Kirjallisuutta. Pikku naisia Literature. Little women ARTICLE

Title Kirjallisuutta. Pikku naisia Literature. Little women
Is same as work Kirjallisuutta. Pikku naisia
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1917
Notes ['The article in the magazine Kotimaa 23.2.1917 says: "A book, missed by the young of today, as a remedy against the nervousness and discontent that has taken over most of the young. It\'s a book that tells about four young girls that try to adapt "The pilgrims progress" starting from the marsh of suspicion until the green meadows. The story suits very well as a teaching in these economically tight times because it tells about America in the time of the war of liberation, where the four heroines help each other through the hard times where they are with their mother when their father has followed the army of the northeners and their income has even decreased, with help of their innate optimism and the upbringing from the religious home. Fittingly and with great knowledge of human nature the writer describes how these young heroines are not safe against the temptations of the modes of social life that try to disturb their peace of mind, but their healthy instincts and and the advise of the sweet mother soon lead their life to the right way and bring back the peace of mind to the little circle. Not even the glow of romance is missing, but the affairs develop through many little adventures toward the desirable end. As already said, is this book one that can be recommended for the young and even for the older reader." JWnov16']
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