[TO BE CHECKED/COBWWWEB] A Kingʹs Romance: the story of Milan and Natalie first king and queen of Servia: with numerous portraits and other illustrations WORK

Title [TO BE CHECKED/COBWWWEB] A Kingʹs Romance: the story of Milan and Natalie first king and queen of Servia: with numerous portraits and other illustrations
Is same as work [TO BE CHECKED/COBWWWEB] A Kingʹs Romance: the story of Milan and Natalie first king and queen of Servia: with numerous portraits and other illustrations
Author Frances A. Gerard , Geraldine P. Fitzgerald
Date 1903
Notes ['Possibly because it is linked to COBWWWEB data, the pseudonym Gerard (which was originally added as the author, instead of Fitzgerald) cannot be removed from the work. To be checked. jdgjan16']

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