Les veillées du château ou Cours de morale à l'usage des enfans

Title Les veillées du château ou Cours de morale à l'usage des enfans
Date 1782
Notes -
Name Role
Stéphanie Félicité de Genlis is creator of
Abendstunden auf dem Lande, oder Moralische Erzählungen für die Jugend. 1784 is translation of
The Fatal Effects of Indulging the Passions 1784 is translation of
The fatal effects of indulging the passions: exemplified in the history of M. de la Paliniere 1784 is translation of
*Presence in Swederus Catalogue 1785 lists work
Tales of the Castle: or, stories of instruction and delight. 1785 is translation of
Tales of the Castle: or, stories of instruction and delight. 1785 is translation of
Aftnerne paa Lyst-Slottet The Evenings in the Castle 1786 is translation of
Avondtijdkortingen van het Kasteel, of Zedelyke Verhaalen ten dienste van de Jeugd 1786 is translation of
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1787 comments on work
Catalogue de vente,Terwe 1788 lists work
Las veladas de la quinta o novelas e historias sumamente útiles 1788 is translation of
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1789 comments on work
*Aankoop bij Tijl in Zwolle 1790 lists work
Catalogue de vente, Gosse 1791 lists work
Catalogue de vente, Gosse 1791 lists work
Las veladas de la quinta, ó Novelas é historias 1791 is translation of
publ. in New Lady's, 1792 1792 is translation of
Otto van Eck, Dagboek 1792 comments on work
Daphnis and Pandrose, a moral tale 1792 is translation of
Ländliche Unterhaltungen, oder Zaubereyen der Kunst und Natur 1794 is translation of
Catalogue de vente, Van der Haar 1795 lists work
Catalogue de vente, Van der Haar 1795 lists work
Catalogue de vente, Van Haren 1796 lists work
Catalogue de vente, Van Haren 1796 lists work
Cabinet de lecture, Beets 1797 lists work
Cabinet de lecture, Beets 1797 lists work
Catalogue de vente, J.D. 1797 lists work
Cabinet de lecture: Bakhuyzen 1800 lists work
*Mention in correspondence/diary by Melchor Gaspar de Jovellanos (1748-1811) 1800 comments on work
Cabinet de lecture: Bakhuyzen 1800 lists work
Åbo Tidning no 79 Till salu On sale 1803 lists work
Article dans le Dictionnaire historique [..] 1804 comments on work
The Brazier 1805 is translation of
Eglantine, or the Indolence Reformed 1810 is translation of
*Mention in official list of books to be used in primary schools 1810 comments on work
Abendgesellschaften auf dem Schlosse, oder Unterricht in der Moral, zum Gebrauch der reifern Jugend 1813 is translation of
*Title unknown 1820 is translation of