
Title Claudie
Date 1851
Notes -
Name Role
Sand, George is creator of
*Art. in Zondagsblad 1851 comments on work
Klodi 1851 is translation of
Klodi 1851 is translation of
Claudie, drame en 3 actes 1851 is copy of
*Art. in Algemeen Handelsblad 1851 comments on work
*Art. in Algemeen Handelsblad 1851 comments on work
Th. Hegener, Claudia. Drama in 3 Akten 1851 is translation of
*[title in Russian] 1851 is translation of
Claudia. Schauspiel in 3 Akten 1851 is translation of
*Art. in La Patrie 1851 comments on work
*Art. in Algemeen Handelsblad 1851 comments on work
*[title in Italian] 1851 is translation of
*Art. in Nieuwe Rotterdamse Courant 1851 comments on work
Claudie 1852 is translation of
Przybylski, Waclaw, *[title in Polish] 1857 is translation of
*Mention in Art. Amsterdamsche Courant 1858 mentions work
Anton Bing, Claudia 1879 is translation of
Claudie 1880 is translation of
*Announcement 1882 mentions work
*Mention in Geschiedenis van het drama [...] in Nederland 1907 mentions work