Uncle Tom's cabin, or Life among the lowly

Title Uncle Tom's cabin, or Life among the lowly
Date 1852
Language(s) English
Notes -
Name Role
Harriet Elisabeth Beecher Stowe is creator of
Turun kaupungin kirjasto - Cygnaeuksen kokoelma Turku city library Cygnaeus collection 1800 lists work
Turun kaupungin kirjasto - vanha kokoelma Turku city library - old collection 1840 lists work
La case du Père Tom, ou, Vie des nègres en Amérique 1852 is translation of
*Lettre à Lady Malet 1852 comments on work
*An advertisement of the swedish translation Onkel Toms stuga 1852 mentions work
Kapløben paa liv og død Racing for life and death 1852 comments on work
La cabaña del tío Tom 1852 is translation of
Preface in translation 1852 is preface of
Onkel Toms hytte, eller Negerlivet i de Amerikanske Slavestater Uncle Tom's cabin, or Negro life in the American Slave States 1852 is translation of
Onkel Thomas: Negerlivet i Amerikas Slavestater Uncle Thomas: Negro life in America's slave states 1852 is translation of
Af Onkel Toms Hytte From Uncle Toms Cabin 1852 is translation of
Onkel Toms Hytte Uncle Tom's cabin 1852 is translation of
*Art. in Nederlandsch Atheneum 1853 comments on work
Tamás bátya kunyhója, vagy néger élet a rabszolgatartó amerikai államokban/ Uncle Tom's cabin or Negro life in the slaveholding states of America 1853 is translation of
* article in Leeskabinet 1853 comments on work
*Art. in De Huisvriend 1853 comments on work
Brief van Phileleuteros, die Uncle Tom's Cabin al gelezen heeft 1853 comments on work
*Art. in De Tijd 1853 comments on work
*Art. in Boekzaal der Geleerde Wereld 1853 comments on work
Engelsche en Amerikaansche Damesstrijd, naar aanleiding van Uncle Tom's Cabin 1853 comments on work
* article in Leeskabinet 1853 comments on work
*Art. in Europa 1853 comments on work
*A long review of the swedish translation Onkel Toms stuga 1853 comments on work
*An advertisement of the swedish translation Onkel Toms stuga 1853 mentions work
Chata Wuja Toma czyli Życie Niewolników w Zjednoczonych Stanach Pólnocnej Ameryki 1853 is translation of
La cabaña del tío Tomás 1853 is translation of
*Fran Malavašič: Stric Tomova koča ali življenje zamorcov v robnih deržavah svobodne séverne Amerike 1853 is translation of
Onkel Tom's Hütte, oder Negerleben in den Sklavenstaaten von Amerika Uncle Tom's Cabin, or Negro life in the Slave states of America 1853 is translation of
La Case de l'Oncle Tom 1853 is translation of
Stric Tomaž ali življenje zamorcov v Ameriki 1853 is translation of
*Art. in Leeskabinet 1853 comments on work
*An advertisement of the swedish translation Onkel Toms stuga 1853 mentions work
*An article about literature for young people 1853 comments on work
De negerhut 1853 is translation of
Een kijkje in de Hut van Oom Tom. Door Tante Marie 1853 is translation of
*Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin 1853 comments on work
*Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin 1853 comments on work
*Note on Uncle Tom's Cabin 1853 comments on work
Het Letterkundig Meteoor in het Westen. Art. in De Tijdspiegel 1853 comments on work
Een vlugtige blik op Noord-Amerika en een Boek daar verschenen (in Pantheon) 1853 comments on work
*Art.: Uncle Tom's cabin, variatiën op een veelbesproken thema 1853 comments on work
*Mention in De Recensent 1854 mentions work
*Mention in art. in De Gids 1854 mentions work
*A mention about the swedish translation Onkel Toms stuga in an article about Thackeray 1854 mentions work
Čiča Tomina koliba ili Robstvo u slobodoj zemlji 1854 is translation of
*Art. in De Tijdspiegel 1854 comments on work
Nog iets over Uncle Tom. Een gesprek tussen Amalia en hare vriendin Elise. […] 1855 comments on work
Correspondentie Beecher Stowe-Arie Cornelis Kruseman 1855 comments on work
*Suriname (article) 1855 mentions work
*Mention in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1856 mentions work
Onkel Toms Hytte Uncle Tom's cabin 1856 is translation of
*Mention in Art. in De Gids 1856 mentions work
Setä Tuomon tupa : lyhykäisesti kerrottu ja kuvauksilla valaistu Uncle Tom's cabin 1856 is translation of
*An advertisement of the finnish translation Setä Tuomaan tupa 1856 mentions work
*An advertisement of the finnish translation Setä Tuomon tupa 1856 mentions work
*Mention in Art. in De Gids 1857 mentions work
Chicheva Tomova Koliba.Suchinena ot gospozha Garieta Bicher-Stou in two parts 1858 is translation of
Uncle Tom's Cabin Retold for children 1858 is adaptation of
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1859 lists work
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1859 lists work
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1859 lists work
*art. in VLO 1859 mentions work
Amsterdamsche Courant 1859 mentions work
*Presence in Catalogue 1860 lists work
La case de l'oncle Tom 1860 is translation of
*Statement in a letter addressed to H.B.Stowe 1860 comments on work
*Mention in De Gids 1860 mentions work
*Mention in Art. in De Gids 1861 mentions work
Onkel Toms Hytte eller Negerlivet i de Amerikanske Slavestater 1861 is translation of
*Mention in Art. in De Gids 1863 mentions work
Chatka Ojca Toma, czyli życie murzynów w stanach niewolniczych Ameryki Pólnocny: romans. Przekład (translation): Wacława P. 1865 is translation of
*Mention in Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1868 mentions work
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1868 lists work
La case de l'oncle Tom ou Vie des nègres en Amérique 1869 is translation of
Strejček Tom, čili: Otroctví ve svobodné Americe 1870 is translation of
Hoe Uncle Tom's Cabin geschreven werd 1873 comments on work
Onkel Toms Hytte Uncle Tom's cabin 1875 is translation of
Strýček Tom : Obraz ze života amerického ve 3 jednáních a s předehrou : dle románu pí. Stove od Th. Megerle / Pro české divadlo vzdělal Al.V. Erhart 1877 is translation of
«Onkel Toms» Livshistorie. En Selvbiografi af Pastor ...... 1789 - 1876 "Uncle Toms" Life Story. An Autobiography of Pastor ...... 1789 - 1876 1877 is translation of
«Onkel Toms» Livshistorie (fra 1789 til 1877) for Ungdommen "Uncle Tom's" Life Story (from 1789 to 1877) for Youth 1877 is translation of
Onkel Toms Hütte oder Schwarz und Weiß : Bilder aus dem nordamerik. Sklavenleben Uncle Tom's Cabin, or, Black and White : Images from the North American Slave Life 1881 is adaptation of
Onkel Toms hytte Uncle Tom's Cabin 1883 is translation of
Andrija M. Matić, Čiča Tomina koleba ili Crno ili belo 1883 is translation of
*Mention in Art. in De Gids 1887 mentions work
Onkel Toms Hytte eller Historien om en kristen Slave fra Slavetiden i Nordamerika Uncle Tom's Cabin or The story of a Christian Slave from Slave Time in North America 1891 is translation of
*Art. in De Tijdspiegel 1892 comments on work
Kunst og Literatur. De 10 bedste Amerikanske Bøger Art and Literature. The 10 best american books 1893 mentions work
Tuomo sedän tupa; nuorisolle mukaili Maikki Friberg Uncle Tom's cabin 1893 is translation of
*A review of the finnish translation Tuomo sedän tupa 1893 comments on work
Setä Tuomon tupa. Alkuteoksesta nuorisolle sovittanut A. H. Fogowitz Uncle Tom's cabin 1893 is translation of
Onkel Toms stuga : skildringar från negerslafvarnes lif i Amerikas förenta stater; ny översättning med teckningar af Jenny Nyström. 1893 is translation of
*A review of the finnish translation Setä Tuomon Tupa 1893 comments on work
Onkel Toms Hytte. Skildringer fra Negerslavernes Liv i Amerikas forenede Stater 1895 is translation of
*Catalogue Damesleesmuseum Den Haag 1896 lists work
*Mention in article: Znatnije književnice u stranih naroda/Important Foreign Women Writers 1896 mentions work
Onkel Toms Hytte Uncle Tom's Cabin 1898 is translation of
En Negerhelt. En Beretning fra Negerslaveriets Tid 1898 is translation of
Onkel Toms Hytte. Skildringer fra Negerslavernes Liv i Amerikas Forenede Stater 1898 is translation of
Setä Tuomon tupa : kuvauksia neekeriorjain elämästä Amerikan Yhdysvalloissa 1899 is translation of
Setä Tuomon tupa : kuvauksia neekeriorjain elämästä Amerikan Yhdysvalloissa 1899 is translation of
Harriet Beecher-Stowe, "Setä Tuomon tuvan" kirjoittaja Harriet Beecher-Stowe, the writer of Uncle Tom's cabin 1900 mentions work
Jovan Bogičević, Čiča Tomina koliba 1900 is translation of
Hytta hans farbror Tom Uncle Tom's cabin 1908 is translation of
*Presence in Nutsbibliotheken in Nederland 1910 lists work
Onkel Toms Hytte 1916 is translation of
Onkel Toms Hytte 1924 is translation of
Tamás bátya vagy egy szerecsen rabszolga története/ Uncle Tom or the history of a black slave. None is adaptation of