Les Maîtres mosaïstes

Title Les Maîtres mosaïstes
Date 1837
Notes -
Name Role
Sand, George is creator of
O. Czarnowsky, Die Mosaikarbeiter und die letzte Aldini 1838 is translation of
Mozaisty 1838 is translation of
Les Maîtres mosaïstes 1838 is copy of
Mozaisty 1841 is translation of
Die Mosaikarbeiter 1844 is translation of
The Mosaic Workers; a tale 1844 is translation of
Dr. Johannes Scherr, Die Kunstler 1849 is translation of
Mozaisty 1861 is translation of
Mosaikmestrene: En Fortælling Mosaic Masters: A Tale 1872 is translation of
*Art. in Het Manuscript 1885 comments on work
De Meesters Mozaïsten 1885 lists work
The Master Mosaic Workers 1895 is translation of
Læseforening (Les Maîtres mosaïstes) 1904 lists work