History of Emily Montague

Title History of Emily Montague
Date 1769
Language(s) English
Notes -
Name Role
Frances Brooke is creator of
*article sur E.Montague dans l'Annee Litteraire 1769 comments on work
Histoire d'Emilie Montague par l'auteur de Julie Mandeville traduit de l'anglais 1770 is translation of
Histoire d'Emilie Montague par M. Brooke, imitée de l'anglais par monsieur Frenais 1770 is translation of
*Private Library Inventory 1770 lists work
Catalogue de collection privée de M. Muralt de Bern 1773 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Bousquet 1782 lists work
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1783 comments on work
Historie van Emelia Montague 1783 is translation of
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1784 comments on work
Catalogus publieke leesbibliotheek Bakhuyzen 1785 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek: Bruyn 1788 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek: Bruyn 1788 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek: Bruyn 1788 lists work
Catalogus publieke leesbibliotheek Bakhuyzen 1791 lists work
Catalogus publieke leesbibliotheek Bakhuyzen 1791 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Martens 1793 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Martens 1793 lists work
Emilie Montagues historia The history of Emilie Montague 1796 is translation of
Catalogus publieke leesbibliotheek J. v. Gulik 1798 lists work
Catalogus publieke leesbibliotheek J. v. Gulik 1798 lists work
Catalogus publieke leesbibliotheek: Bakhuyzen 1800 lists work
*Presence in Leopold Paternolli's catalogues 1834 lists work
*Presence in Janez Giontini's catalogue (Leihbibliothek des Joh. N. Giontini... in Laibach... Haupt- Katalog ) 1846 lists work