
Title Babicka
Date 1855
Notes -
Name Role
Božena Němcová is creator of
Jan Oheral: *Grossmutterchen. Bilder aus dem Volksleben (Grandmother) 1860 is translation of
Besednik 1862 mentions work
Besednik 1862 mentions work
Jakub Sztejnike, *Babunia (Granmother) 1862 is translation of
Priporočilo novih knjig New Book Recommendations 1862 mentions work
France Cegnar: Babica 1862 is translation of
*France Cegnar: Babica 1862 is translation of
Babica Grandmother 1863 is translation of
Nekoliko verstic duhovskim in deželskim učiteljem po kmetih 1866 comments on work
Cvetje iz domačih in tujih logov Flowers from Home and Abroad 1867 mentions work
*Babuska (Grandmother) 1871 is translation of
*Grand Mere (Grandmother) 1880 is translation of
Jozef Boz Koppova, Grand-mère... 1880 is translation of
Filip Rezak: Nasa Wowka (Grandmother) 1883 is translation of
Babica Grandmother 1883 is intertextual to
Narodna biblioteka The National Library 1884 mentions work
Smital, Anton: *Grossmutter (Grandmother) 1885 is translation of
Joan Urban Jarnik: *Bunica (Grandmother) 1885 is translation of
Nove knjige slovenske New Slovenian books 1885 comments on work
Pogled po slovanskem svetu A View Across the Slavic World 1885 mentions work
Anton Smital, Grossmutter. Bilder aus dem Böhmischen Landleben 1885 is translation of
Urban Iarník, Bunica 1885 is translation of
Viktorica Viktorka 1885 is translation of
Pogled po slovanskem svetu A View Across the Slavic World 1888 mentions work
*The Grandmother 1891 is translation of
The Grandmother. A story of country in Bohemia 1891 is translation of
Ogled po slovanskem svetu (Fran Cegnar) 1892 mentions work
Fran Cegnar Fran Cegnar 1892 mentions work
Češko slovstvo. Slovstveni paberki s Češkega. Czech Literature 1893 mentions work
Aage Meyer Benedicston: Bedstemoder (Grandmother) 1894 is translation of
Literatur. "Bedstemoder" af Bozena Nemcova 1894 comments on work
Bedstemoder Grandmother 1894 is translation of
Božena Nemcova in Matija Majar 1898 comments on work
Iz pisem Božene Němcové From the Letters of Božena Němcová 1898 mentions work
*Babuska (Grandmother) 1900 is translation of
Grand-mère (Grandmother) 1900 is translation of
Jan Lego Jan Lego 1903 mentions work
Jubilejno izdanje „Babice" The Anniversary Edition of "Grandmother" 1904 comments on work
Babunia: obrazy z życia uczciwej niewiasty (Polish title) 1905 is translation of
*Presence in Knjižnica Splošnega ženskega društva (Library of General Women's Society) 1905 lists work
*Imenik knjig ljudske knjižnice “Narodne čitalnice” v Škofji Loki (Catalogue of the public library "Narodna čitalnica" in Škofja Loka) 1908 lists work
La nonna - costumi villerecci di Boemia (Babicka) (Grandmother) 1909 is translation of
K.Prochazka: *Avineto (Grandmother) 1909 is translation of
*Presence in the Library catalogue of Javna ljudska knjižnica gospodarskega in izobraževalnega društva za dvorski okraj v Ljubljani 1916 lists work
Branimir Pekaric: *Bakica (Grandmother) 1917 is translation of
Kamill Eben: *Grossmutterchen (Grandmother) 1924 is translation of
Rodolfo Slaby: *L`Avia (Grandmother) 1924 is translation of
Rodolfo Slaby: *La abuela. Cuadros de costumbres campesinas de Bohemia (Grandmother) 1925 is translation of
Pawel Hulka-Laskowski, Il. A. Kaspar: *Babunia (Grandmother) 1927 is translation of
[title in Slovak] 1928 is translation of
Karoly Kocsis: * Nagyano (Grandmother) 1931 is translation of
Joze Glonar: *Babica (Grandmother) 1944 is translation of
Ljudevit Jonke: *Bakica (Grandmother) 1946 is translation of
A.V.Florovskij: * Babuska (Grandmother) 1946 is translation of
*Babicka (Grandmother) 1946 is translation of
Jan Domasta: *Babicka (Grandmother) 1948 is translation of
La nonna (Grandmother) 1951 is translation of
Antal Clementis: *A nagyanyo (Grandmother) 1951 is translation of
Antal Zolyomi: *A nagyanyo (Grandmother) 1952 is translation of
Jozef Felix: *Babicka (Grandmother) 1953 is translation of
*Bunicuta (Grandmother) 1955 is translation of
Kurisu Kei: *O - Basan, Nemucova saku (Grandmother) 1956 is translation of
Gunther Jarosch: Die Grossmutter (Grandmother) 1956 is translation of
*Babuska. Kartiny selskoj ziyni. (Grandmother) 1956 is translation of
*Waj cu mu (Grandmother) 1957 is translation of
*A avo. Romance (Grandmother) 1958 is translation of
*Die Grossmutter. Eine Erzahlung aus dem alten Böhmen. (Grandmother) 1959 is translation of
M. Islomov:*Adiba mechri (Grandmother) 1960 is translation of
Grandmother 1962 is translation of