A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

Title A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Date 1792
Notes -
Name Role
Mary Wollstonecraft is creator of
Défense des droits des femmes, suivie de quelques considérations sur des sujets politiques et moraux, ouvrage traduit de l'anglais, de Marie Wollstonecraft 1792 is translation of
Die Rettung der Rechte des Weibes mit Bemerkungen über politische und moralische Gegenstände 1792 is adaptation of
*Review article of the book 1792 comments on work
*Review article of A Vindication 1792 comments on work
*Intended title unknown 1794 is translation of
*Information about her reading it 1795 mentions work
*Review article on the Vindication 1795 comments on work
*Presence in catalogue of: Sällskapet för almänna medborgerliga kunskaper 1795 lists work
Verdediging van de Rechten der Vrouwen 1796 is adaptation of
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1797 comments on work
The Young Philosopher (preface) 1798 mentions work
*Mention in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1799 mentions work
*[title in Portuguese to be added] 1800 is translation of
Qvindekjønnets Rettigheder forsvarede Vindication of the Rights of Woman 1801 is translation of
Adeline Mowbray (rec. of Wollstonecraft) 1804 is bibliography of
*references in Journals 1816 comments on work
Les droits des femmes et l'injustice des hommes 1826 is translation of
The rights of woman. Art. in the British Co-operator 1830 comments on work
Direitos das mulheres e injustiça dos homens Women's rights and men's injustice 1832 is adaptation of
*to be specified 1832 is translation of
Gamle Dage: Erindringer og Tidsbilleder 1871 mentions work
Mary Wollstonecraft – Eine Verteidigung der Rechte der Frau 1899 is translation of